Why did Mollymauk die?

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Mollymauk was killed after he knocked himself unconscious using his own blood maledict ability that he was trying to use on Lorenzo, leader of the Iron Shepherds. Lorenzo then used his glaive to stab the fallen Mollymauk deep in the chest, and then twisted the blade resulting in Mollymauk’s death.

Mollymauk Tealeaf by LuzifersChoice

If we look at the overall battle between the remaining members of the Mighty Nein plus Keg versus the Iron Shepherds we have the following contributing factors to Molly’s death which could have resulted in the deaths of any to all the Iron Shepherds’ opponents: the Iron Shepherd had more combatants, and to the MN + Keg’s surprise, outmatched their opponents (cone of cold from Lorezno); Keg becoming unnerved and having disadvantage on attacks; Nott was unable to unlock any of the cages and let any of the abducted individuals free to assist the MN + Keg.

As far as possible, root causes to why Mollymauk died we have the following points in regards to the Mighty Nein as a whole:

First, most members of the Mighty Nein lacked formal military and/or operational training. Specifically, most of the Mighty Nein were not trained to fight as part of a unit. Second is the fact that the Mighty Nein were only fighting together as a group for several weeks.

The next two points are debatable:

The Mighty Nein were co-winners of the tournament in Zadash and had never lost a battle. This may have lead to overconfidence and not being as cautious as they otherwise could have been.

Some would call the Mighty Nein “chaotic” or that they, as a group, have impulse-control problems. Examples of this can be seen in the group’s exploits in Zadash. The Mighty Nein did not vet the people (Ulog, Dolan, Horris) that hired them to commit acts against the High Richter and Lord Sultan; they did not find out if Ulog’s wife had been arrested or not; they did not verify anything about Lord Sultan or his son. Fjord and Beau did verify that the High Richter was willing to take “gifts” from wealthy, important citizens, and this does not also verify that the High Richter also threw Ulog’s wife in the Umber Dungeon for twenty years. 

Lastly, again, debatable, we have Mollymauk’s own personality that may have lead to his demise. Yes, he could be called “chaotic” or free-spirited. Some of his decisions could also be called a bit unwise.  On the road to Zadash, Mollymauk initiated the release of the thieves that tried to rob him and the other MN members.  He did not know who those thieves might have hurt or killed before attempting to rob the MN and who the thieves might hurt or kill after being let go by the MN.  While in Zadash, Mollymauk suggested going to a public bathhouse to openly discuss acts against the High Richter and Lord Sultan – which he and the other Mighty Nein did openly discuss in said bathhouse.  Anyone could have heard this discussion, alerted the authorities, and the MN could have found themselves in prison.  Mollymauk also suggested that the captives of the Iron Shepherds would be able to help Beau, Caleb, Molly, Nott, and Keg once said captives were released – even though the actual condition and identities of the captives were unknown.   

There were many good and entertaining things that came from Mollymauk’s chaotic nature and let us remember those as well. Long may everyone’s favorite, purple tiefling reign!

What episode does Mollymauk die?

Mollymauk dies in Episode 26, “Found & Lost” of Campaign 2 of Critical Role.

Why didn’t they resurrect Mollymauk?

There are two answers to this:  the short, immediate answer and the longer, on-going answer. 

The short answer as to why they didn’t resurrect Mollymauk:  Beau, Caleb, Keg, Nott, nor Nila had the power to cast resurrection.

When the remaining M9 and new friends met with Ophelia Mardoon she informed them that resurrection was only for her family members.  When they met Caduceus he was only at level five and did not have the ability to resurrect others (Caduceus did have Revivify and Gentle Repose at this point). 

The longer answer involves the effect on the M9 by Caduceus casting Decompose on Mollymauk’s grave and saying something nice will grow there.  This may have put a sense of finality onto Mollymauk’s story in the minds of the members of the Mighty Nein.  According to www.critrolestas.com Caduceus gained Raise Dead at level nine.  At this point in the campaign the Mighty Nein are in Xhorhas occupied exploring the capital city, Rosohna, and soon more challenges – such as Yasha being taken, the war between the Dynasty and Empire, Traveler Con, etc.    

Mollymauk Tealeaf Stats

Mollymauk Tealeaf’s stats are as follows: Level 5; Maximum Hit Points 59; Armor Class 15; Strength 10; Dexterity 17; Constitution 14; Intelligence 11; Wisdom 16; Charisma 11.

If you like role playing games, fantasy fiction, and/or history of the European Middle Ages here are some useful links for you:

My Resources Page which has links to my favorite Dungeons & Dragons YouTube channels and interesting videos on European history.

If you’re looking for fantasy fiction for general reading and/or that you can use in your role playing games here are some entries you may enjoy:

Gods of Ill Desire

The Cat and the Turtle

The Battle of the Olive Grove aka The Battle of the Twenty-four

War of the Gods

The Girl That Raced The Moon

Sir Perry and the Dragon

Thank you for your time and be well : )


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