The Man of Broken Dreams

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There once was a man who was narrow and true.

His tasks all completed, always paid all his dues.

His wants they were modest and simple indeed. 

But even modest aspirations are not always achieved. 

A loving wife he did want and simple home for the pair,

a child or two or three of dark or fair hair.

But time has a way of taking from thee

the dreams once held whatever they be.

Over time he grew sullen and dark and down. 

Wore no longer a bright smile but only a frown. 

The spring flowers he noticed, he once loved their sight. 

But now they just there seemed almost a blight. 

Festivals no longer joyous, holidays seemed such a chore,

he was told he should be happy, this order sickened him to his core.

Less and less mattered to he, simple pleasures turned faded and mute.

Some pains went away while new others took root.

He became angry and bitter, this once gentle soul,

seeing the joy of Others which Some had they stole.

His deeds of virtue and sacrifice they all seemed for naught,

as some of less duty be happy with what they had wrought.

Loving Dreams ever blossomed for Those less true.

His seeds all planted, but never they grew.

None to comfort him now, none to lend a gentle ear.

He was alone in this place, he would catch his own tear.

Some that they tried to give comfort to he,

but failed in their efforts to know him truly.

His plight not they fathomed, Some did they not care.

For he was a quiet one, and not easily did he share.

Walked away thru the woods with his head in his hands, 

nary a sound he made leaving his beloved emerald lands.

Cares he had not, just anger and strife,

for the hollow and pain of a once happy life. 

He wandered away indifferent and beat,

for a loving wife and some children would never he meet.

To look upon him is gloom and pity and doubt. 

For the man of broken dreams is a miserable lout.  

How to incorporate aspects of this poem into your gameplay:

An area of gloom surrounds the man of broken dreams – plants of all kind fade and wither – not automatically, some time after he passes by, may be hours or so. 

People and creatures he comes in contact with become hopeless, gloomy, lose interest in things, lose energy, lose morale, become sluggish, less energetic, less attentive, slow reactions.

He does not mean to do harm he’s just in pain.  Do the players kill him or try to save him?  Perhaps some townsfolk are after the MOBD for causing their crops to fail.  Maybe they have captured him and have jailed him/put him on trial and plan to execute him for what has happened and/or so no more people suffer because he walked thru their towns and fields and orchards.  What, if anything, should the players do? 

The MOBD is happy and at peace in the countryside and beautiful open places at night when all the stars are out, especially when the moon is out and full – it is like a dream for him – this is one of the only times the gloom is not around him.  Another time the gloom is not around him is when he is at the ocean/sea – day or night, but especially night with the stars and moon out.  It’s at these times and places that the MOBD can be approached without any ill effects to those around him.  When the full moon is out and he is in some beautiful, green place (not jungle) others actually feel peaceful and happy around him, uplifted, increased morale, and even some healing may take place – the same when he’s near the ocean.  Some time after he lives these places where he felt peace and joy instead of plants fading and withering there will be the opposite effect of increased growth and health; flowers will bloom where he sat or stood and watched the full moon.  He will sit and stare or lie down and stare up at the full moon for hours. 


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