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Mineeo, “No, girly, I don’t want you.  Not after you’ve spread your legs for half the men in the capital.  You’re just another high priced whore.”

Anne, “Then what do you want?”

Mineeo, “I know everything about you.  I know about the men you’ve fucked.  The abortions you’ve had – that probably wouldn’t go over so well with your cousin, Mr. Morality.  I know just about everything there is to know about you – except where you come from.  How is it your cousin came up with a way to make paper nobody ever thought of before?  And his little rodent traps?  He’s made millions.  Your club and songs – unlike anything anyone has ever seen or dreamed up before.  You and your family, even with your bloody, fucking sandwiches, have come up with things nobody ever thought of before.  You and the boys brought all these ideas here that nobody ever thought of before and made millions.  How is that?  I can see Matty coming up with these ideas, but not you and Tom.  Nobody has ever heard of you, or anything close to the things you three brought here.  So, here’s the deal, you share some money-making idea with me, and I leave your family alone.  That’s it.”