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At Maunch’s precinct.  8:50 AM.

Thomas Pardino has been moved from his cell to an interrogation room and is seated at a table. 

Thomas Pardino as described by D.I. Greencrest:  “Pardino’s eyes are brown, but bloodshot and glossy, otherwise they may be quite attractive.  He’s not an unattractive man.  Looks to be in his forties.  Shaved head, some dark stubble.  Mostly clean-shaven face except for a beard about an inch wide, short beard, neatly-trimmed beard that outlines his jaw bones from about the hinges of the jaw to his chin; a little patch of beard below his lower lip.  He has a diamond studded platinum earring in the lobe of his left ear.  A bejeweled, wide, platinum ring on the fourth finger of his right hand. There appears to be some green coloration under his fingernails. Thomas wears a thin, platinum chain around his neck.  He’s well dressed with a scarlet, long-sleeved shirt.  One of the sleeves is rolled up showing unusual tattoos on his left forearm, one being the head of red bull with white horns.  He looks like he weighs about two-hundred sixty pounds, mostly fat in the torso.  He has somewhat tanned skin.  Probably stands six feet tall or a bit over.”

Detectives Greencrest and Herris sit down on the other side of the table.  The morning light filters in softly from the window.

Greencrest, “Are you Mr. Thomas Pardino?”

“Yeah.  Are you new? Where’s Maunch?”

“I’m Detective Inspector Greencrest, this is Detective Sergeant Herris, we’ll be speaking with you today.”

Thomas, “Okay, whatever you wanna do. . . I didn’t break anything did I?  I’ll pay for it.  Maunch knows I’m good for it.”

Greencrest, “Do you how you got to be where you were found this morning?”

Thomas, “No.  I don’t know.  I don’t think I’ve ever been that drunk before.” 

DI Greencrest thinks to herself, ‘ he smells more than drunk.’  Greencrest, “Where were you last night, Mr. Pardino?”

Thomas, “I went to Odelia’s to see my girl, Pene.”

Greencrest, “What time was that?”

Thomas, “I dunno for sure.  Probably after midnight.”

Greencrest, “And what did you do at Odelia’s?” 

Thomas,  “ . . . that I remember, and I’m kinna having trouble with that, had some drinks, played some cards. Pene was with another client when I got there so I waited.  When she was free we had some drinks and then headed back to my place.”

Greencrest, “Your apartment?”

Thomas nods, “Yeah.”

Greencrest, “What time did you leave Odelia’s?”

Thomas, “Pffff.  I have noooo idea.”  He raises his hands as he says this.  Greencrest notices a bit of green coloration under his fingernails. 

Greencrest, “You left Odelia’s, then what happened?”

Thomas, taking a moment to think, “I dunno, I guess I blacked out.” 

Herris, “Mr. Pardino, how long have you known Pene?”

Thomas, “I started going to Odelia’s about a year, year and some change ago.  I met Pene then.”

Greencrest, “Can you describe your relationship with Pene?”

Thomas, “My relationship?  Good.  Like I said, she’s my girl . . .Why?  What’s going on?  Is she okay?”

Greencrest, “Mr. Pardino, Pene was found dead this morning.  We’re trying to figure out what happened.”  Thomas’ eyes go wide and he looks like he was punched in the gut and deflates.

Thomas, “And you think I did it . . . I want my lawyer and my sister and my cousin here, or I’m not saying another thing.”

Herris, “Lawyer?”

Thomas, “Lawyer, attorney, barrister.  I want my barrister, sister, and cousin here.  I know my rights.”

Greencrest, “Mr. Pardino . . .”

Thomas, “I know my rights, barrister, sister, and cousin or I don’t talk.”  Greencrest, “Very well.”  The detectives leave the interrogation room and send for Mr. Thomas Pardino’s barrister, sister, Anne Pardino, and cousin, Mathew Serig.