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There is a domestic law enforcement division in the capital and other large cities separate from the military.  The two work together, the city guard/army regulars usually deferring to the police on matters of small scale safety and isolated incidents. In the event police and guard are on the scene of a crime at the same time the highest ranking individual takes the lead.  In the event an individual from the guard and one from the police are of the same rank, the guard takes the lead initially, again usually handing responsibility over to the police to deal with the disturbance or investigation of small scale and/or isolated incidents.

The domestic police uniform looks like regular, somewhat formal, civil garb – shirt, suit coat, trousers, cap, with the addition of a wooden truncheon.  Colors are similar to the ones for standard soldiers’ uniform.  Rank and file police do wear some type of armor over the torso and may at times wear helmets instead of the caps. No spear unless expecting trouble or hear of big trouble. Some sergeants have magical stunning implement like detectives. Upon becoming a detective for the police, rank of Detective Constable, a detective is issued a stunning wand/wand of stunning.  It looks more like the stock and body of a hand crossbow without the bow then a wand.  The DC’s wand of Stunning has five charges and will recharge within a twenty-four hour period.  A Detective Sergeant is issued a Wand of Stunning with seven charges, a Detective Inspector’s wand of stunning has ten charges.  Detectives may also carry non-magical weapons with them, usually some type of club/stick or sword.  As combat in the city may be close quarters, especially indoors, it is recommend that shorter weapons are employed.