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Avenmare has no state religion and general religious tolerance – bans the open worship of the of gods Malice, as well as open worship of Sella and, Bie’I’iema – practice of these religions is seen as destabilizing to society.

Avenmare is a combination of merchant-based economy with that of sustainable agriculture. 

Avenmare’s main claim to fame is the Academy for the Advancement of the Arcane Arts (AAAA) and it’s network of training centers throughout the nation. The Academy’s main campus is located in the capital.  

Racetrack in the South Downs = some of finest horses on the continent/region

The capital of Avenmare is located on the coast at a fine, natural harbor and strategic entry point to fertile plain for agriculture.  To the east of Avenmare are the Greenrush Mountains, mostly controlled by Dwarves, east of that are the Federated States of Appia (Italy-like).

Dress in Avenmare is like that of late 1700’s to early, mid-1800’s Britain, more or less.  Maybe some a bit simpler/earlier. Long pants instead of trousers that only go down to the knee.  No tri-cornered hats or billowy shirts (at least not many).  

Avenmare and her neighbors were at war several years ago with an invader from the southern continent across the sea. Hoping to get a foothold in the north this southern invader landed to the west of Avenmare, making sure not to go thru elven lands, headed east gaining ground before being eventually pushed out by Avenmare and her neighbors.

To cut down on resource use so as not to come into conflict with the elves or dwarves, as well as neighbors, Avenmare does the following:

While it is not a law it is socially looked down upon to have more than two children, unless a farm family where three children is acceptable. However, since Avenmare was at war several years ago this social norm has been temporarily abandoned. To help with repairs for its fleet of ships and general building needs Avenmare has many tree nurseries that are fertilized with magic.  Usually the hills are for tree nurseries of fast growing trees and the flat, lower areas for crops.  Where the trees and crops won’t grow livestock is let to wander.  Avenmare, being a prosperous nation, trades its grains for lumber from abroad and trades with the Elves of the northwest for not lumber but saplings for nurseries.  As a sign of good will between the two nations, the Elves of the northwest gifted the King of Avenmare centuries ago with fifty acres worth of saplings that were planted a few miles outside the Capital.

Avenmare grows a variety of grains – barley, wheat, oats, rye, mostly barley and oats.  Trades barley and winter oat ale with the Dwarves of the east for some ores.   

Fairly common to find the use of simple magical items like hearth stones for cooking and heating, magical lights instead of standard torches.

Very little is put to waste in Avenmare – Waste for one is Wages for another.