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Client of Mathew Serrig.  Owes Serig quite a large sum of money as Serig consolidated the baron’s debts.  The baron’s father was a knight that was rewarded for his efforts in the last war and made a baron and given the current estate his son lives on outside the Capital.  Originally from a bit more south of the Capital. 

To show off to the other nobles and try to fit into their club Wessel has spent a great deal of money buying the most expensive things and decorating this estate and house in the Capital with said items. Wessel tries desperately to impress, and is constantly made fun of as he tries too hard, and has no taste.  He takes the ridicule with a smile and sees it as part of being accepted in the ranks of the nobles as one day he will and thus he tries even harder. Sometimes he doesn’t realize he’s being made fun of. Wessel could not afford a nice house in the nobles’ district of the Capital so had to buy one in the merchant district – something else he’s mocked for.

Wessel is in his late forties although he looks more like late fifties.  He is a chubby and stubby sort of fellow with short, dark hair, and well-trimmed moustache and beard that outlines his jaw.  Wessel is naturally quite jovial and a truly nice man.

Wessels homes are absolutely gaudy with mismatches of extravagant furnishings of various styles. Thanks to his wife, Lydia, he does have a lovely garden of exotic plants at the estate outside the Capital.