One of the “Cousins” – older cousin (49 years of age) of Thomas and Anne Pardino. He and his cousins are originally from a planet called Earth. None of the three have any reasonable idea as to how they came to be on Aeris. Out of fear, they have not disclosed this information to anyone.
Mathew and his cousins are rich, having brought various ideas and inventions to the capital of Avenmare where they reside. Mathew “invented” a simple, spring-action mouse/rat trap and mass produced them thus earning the monikers of “the marquis of mouse-catching” and “the regent of rodent eradication” . Mathew owns shares of various businesses including Tom’s restaurants and Anne’s night club. Mathew owns some marginal land as the best lands tend to be owned by the nobility. And with that fact in mind Mathew has bought and consolidated the debts of two nobles – a one, Earl Selme, and a Baron Tunnicliff. Mathew’s home and office is a restored, four-story building off Old Market Square. Within this building is an extensive library, laboratory/workshop, small armory, and safe room/quiet room for Mathew and his cousins – typically using the magically shielded room to discuss private matters.
The following physical description of Mathew comes from Detective Inspector Dawn Greencrest: “He appears to be the modest one of the family. He looks to be about thirty. Stands approximately five foot, eight inches tall. Is lanky but with some meat across the neck, shoulders, and chest. Probably one hundred forty to one hundred forty five pounds. Has short-cut, dirty blonde hair. Lovely green eyes and pleasant visage. Not so handsome as to make all the women swoon, but pleasant enough to make the women smile and be glad he’s around. He has a bit of morning stubble on his probably otherwise clean-shaven face. His clothing is relatively nondescript – dark grey, loose-fitting trousers, simple, black, laced shoes, a bit dusty, a black, short-sleeved shirt with a collar and buttons down the front, a dark grey, simple but business-like jacket. He seems like ex-military. The top couple of his shirt buttons are open to reveal just a little bit of sparse chest hair and some grey undershirt. He appears to be wearing three gold rings each set with different stones – one has a smooth, round white stone, the other a smooth, square turquoise and red stone, the third a triangular iridescent stone. Presumably all three are magical rings – the ring with the white stone is for protection, the ring with turquoise and red stone is for health, the last ring for communication. He does not appear to be wearing any weapons, but being Gifted it is assumed he probably is armed.”
Mathew came into the Gift a few years after he and his cousins arrived on Aeris. Mathew has been studying magic for three years, part-time at the Academy. Here is a list describing the spells he might know based on your rpg:
Low Magic Spells: Lightning Touch; a spell that stabilizes the grievously wounded and very sick; he can light and put out small fires with the wave of his hand as well as causing various sensory effects – smell, sight, sound; a spell to keep ghosts and undead at bay; throw little balls of fire around.
High Magic Spells: Basic healing; Create water; disguise himself; translate written language; hide in shadows.
Mathew does not need a spellbook to aid in using the Gift although he does carry a workbook for spells he is currently in the process of learning. As Mathew has an obsessive-compulsive personality type he tends to have multiples of important items, spellbooks with all the spells he has collected are no exception.
Mathew has little caches of goods, important items, and money here-and-there throughout Avenmare just in case he and his cousins should have to escape, start from scratch, and/or everything just goes to hell.
Mathew and his cousins own a variety of magical items, weapons, and armor. Mathew the most.
Mathew may wear a short sword over his left hip and has a survival knife heavy enough to chop a sapling down strapped to his lower right leg. Long sword for outside the city, short sword inside the city for close quarters combat. All three are magical and will return to him upon command/thought should he drop them or they be knocked out of his hands.
Mathew carries two glamoured, projectile weapons on him for personal self-defense (one in boot – single shot, one in holster – 10 shots). These weapons are otherwise not magical in their function, both making use of mechanical engineering and chemical knowledge few on Aeris know. Knowledge that Mathew brought with him from Earth.
Mathew and his cousins have a fair number of security personnel in their employ guarding them and their various properties throughout the Capital of Avenmare.
Being an ex-farm boy Mathew appreciates, but not worships, the Mother of the Meadow and Father of the Field.
Mathew should not have epic fight scenes as in he should never fight the big bad or have some climatic battle. He will use his head, fight dirty, hit quick, talk his way out if he can, fight as the last option. Mathew will try to get away if and when he can but is no coward, he will not leave his family or others behind. Him trying to flee first than fight is more pragmatic, to him the battle you don’t have to fight is the battle you don’t lose. Mathew is a thinking person first. If he fights it is efficient, nothing showy. Kill or disable – based on the goal, as quick as you can.