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Youngest of “The Cousins”; cousin to Mathew Serig, younger sister to Thomas Pardino.  Owner of the Sapphire Room night club. A physical description from Detective Inspector Dawn Greencrest is as follows: “Anne is stunning and all those in the precinct turn and stare as she walks in.  Anne is wearing a simmering, silvery, form-fitting, low cut, strapless and sleeveless gown that has a slit on the left side up to her hip.  The light glistens and dances off the gown.  She is voluptuous, top heavy.  Probably weighs around one hundred sixty to one hundred seventy pounds, and with her boots on stands nearly six foot tall.  She has a cute face and you can definitely see a resemblance to Tom.  Her dark hair is up in a bun of sorts.  She is wearing a mink stole about her shoulders, and white, velvet gloves that go up to her elbows.  She is adorned with diamond earrings, a platinum and diamond necklace, and platinum and diamond rings.  She does not walk, she struts to get as much use out of each footfall as possible, beguiling the men, and some of the women, in the precinct.”

Anne has had a string of relationships since finding herself in Avenmare. It seemed that once one relationship was over she wasted no time in getting into another, or another suitor was waiting in the wings. Mathew has wondered before this if Anne thinks she needs to be in a relationship to feel as though she has worth, or if Anne is looking for something that maybe she cannot find. It has been over a year since Anne’s last relationship.

Anne has a somewhat strained relationship with her brother, Tom – she would like him to be less reckless and selfish, “Tom wants what Tom wants.” She would like Mathew to be more happy and funny like he use to be before he got caught up in business and the study of magic. Anne would also like Mathew to be more outgoing as he has turned into even more of an introvert and hermit than he was on Earth – in her eyes.

As for herself, being extremely social, Anne has many friends, some of her closest made during her time at the Capital’s school for the performing arts. This, her club, her relationship with Mathew, and her two cats, has helped to take the edge of her pain of not being home and not seeing her mother, aunt, uncle, and friends. Yet, Anne still hopes someday she and Tom and Mathew can find a way home and herself has scoured the Academy’s library in search of one. She continues to press Mathew to find out what he can with his access to restricted areas of the library as he is Gifted. So far, no luck. Anne does wonder if Mathew is trying as hard as he could as he seems comfortable in this world in a way he was not back on Earth. Certainly Mathew and his cousins were not in any way, shape, or form as successful financially or in social standing on Earth as they are here on Aeris, nor could ever hope to be. And for those reasons Anne herself is a bit torn about staying or not.

Like her family members, Anne donates to local charities and is particularly concerned about those that suffer from mental health issues.

Anne likes the outdoors, chicken Caesar salad, nightlife, and likes to gamble although not as much as Tom nor as good at gambling as he is. Anne also enjoys drinking sweet, mixed drinks and sweet or semi-sweet wine and sparkling wines and sometimes gets a bit tipsy.

Anne works out regularly, also training with knives and fencing foil. In the latter she is able to best Mathew, but not by too much. Anne is a noncombatant and will fight only if she has to.

Anne’s personal quarters are adorned in burgundy satin and lace and very posh.

After the incident with Tom being poisoned and held on suspicion of murder, Anne begins to make serious plans to flee the capital, . . . need to get Tom outta the city . . . Matty can grab his magic stuff, and we get the hell outta here . . . Find some place out in the country or far south an’ jus’ ta hell with this place.” 

Anne has her share of magical items which include: throwing knives and fencing foil that return to the user; a magical projectile weapon; and a small, hand-held device that amplifies and concentrates her voice in a cone-shaped area that can cause harm and potentially render anyone in the cone unconscious.

Anne may be pregnant again.