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In my realm what makes something or someone a “monster” is not what they look like but what they do.

Monsters are in the eye of the beholder. 

Some monsters are simply rare, unique animals and/or other living beings.  Some monsters are mortals that were turned into various forms by magic and/or the gods. And some monsters, like some of the gods, came into being because of the belief of mortals.  

A “monster” may not be inherently evil. 

In the mortal world of my realm the likelihood of encounters between monsters and mortals is significantly less than in standard DnD settings.  Most mortals will never see a monster unless they actually go looking for them.  And why would you?  They are deadly. Most common monsters – other humans, elves, dwarves; a cat or other animal that has been magically altered for some purpose is common.  A human that was abducted and magically turned into something is a fairly common type of monster.  Basically, the most common “monsters” mortals may actually run into are other mortals or common animals or plants that have been magically altered in form, temperament, or both. 

Many monsters in my realm have no names and are yet to be categorized/catalogued.

Due to the amount of wars in the mortal world the likelihood of mortals encountering spirits and undead of some kind (no vampires) is significantly higher than in the standard DnD realm.

What follows deals with “classic” or “standard” monsters in my realm; this list does not cover all beings, creatures, and/or monsters one would find or not find in my realm:

Angels – None in the classical, Western Civilization sense. In my realm there are no winged humanoids with flaming swords that act to do the will of the gods. There are creatures that may look like angels and are considered fey. Some silly cherubs.

Animal People – of all kind in the Demi Plane, a few in Mortal Plane.

Animated Armor and other animated objects – yes.

Animated skeletons and corpses – yes. Banned by many gods, but still happens.

Banshee – no.

Leprechauns – no.

Basilisk – yes, small number, mostly in Demi Plane. Highly intelligent and wise. Can speak the mortal tongues. Actually try not to turn mortals to stone and feel bad that can and sometimes do – only for defense.

Black Knight, the – well of course. Will test your might/resolve, not try to kill you.

Bugbear – Demi Plane

Centaurs – Demi plane

Chimera – no individual or species. May be like-creatures/hybrids but no species of such, exist only as individual creatures/beings, usually product of experimentation.

Couatl – yes, some in both Demi and Mortal Planes – rare. What is not rare is the ridiculous number and variety of winged creatures that the gods and mortals have made – such as birds and butterflies with extra sets of wings.

Cyclops – yes, different cultures have one-eyed monsters. Some have as a species vs. individuals.

Death Knights/ Warriors – yes, a fair number in both Demi and Mortal Planes. May look exactly as they did in life all the way to being nothing more than a skeleton.

     The 44 – a group/unit of undead ancient warriors/soldiers that still retains sentience and will fight for the right price. The price is not gold or what mortals typically deem to be of value.  Demi Plane. 

Demons & Devils – do not exist per se in my realm as the “Hell” has no jailers with horns and pitchforks and there are no lakes of fire. There are creatures that look like the demons and devils from Western Civilization but they are not called by those names nor necessarily have their D & D 5e or Western Civilization traits. Some may be considered fey.

Dire Wolves – no.

Doppleganger/shapeshifter – no individual or species. There are individuals that can change shape.

Dragons – yes, mostly Demi Plane.  In my realm the color of the dragon does not dictate alignment or personality. Origin of dragons is unknown.  Came about from belief – myth? Dragons may have come about due to natural evolution + natural magics. Highly intelligent, powerful, live for thousands of year. Typically interested in intellectual pursuits and the satisfaction thereof.  Not typically interested in hording shiny metal – that is a base desire of mortals, specifically humans.  Some dragons that found their way into the Mortal Plane have become gods or demigods.  Some/few as protectors of cities and/or regions.  City of Dragons in Demi Plane – place of great learning and invention. Some dragons polymorph into humans or the other mortal races due to their curiosity. Not all dragons can wield magic and how well a dragon wields magic covers a wide spectrum of ability.

Dragon Fairie – yes.  Usually female and quite amorous, but not necessarily evil.

Drayads – yes, mostly Demi Plane.

Elementals/forces/spirits of nature – yes in both Demi and Mortal Planes, roughly equal numbers.

Fairies – yes, of all kinds, mostly Demi Plane.

Imps – yes, not from hell, considered to be fey creatures.

Gargoyles – none.

Genies – none.

Giants – yes, mostly in Demi Plane.

Gnolls – exclusively in the Demi Plane.

Golems – of stone, clay, wood, metal, inorganic material. Those made out of flesh are seen as a sacrilege.

Gorgons – none.

Griffons – hundreds  to thousands all over the mortal world – seem to come from Demi Plane.

Harpy – not in my realm as individual or species, like creatures exist in some fashion, mostly in the Demi Plane.

Hippogriff – no.

Hobgoblin – Demi Plane.

Hydra – not as legendary individual or species. Exist as a class of creatures. For some reason some mortals and gods like creating creatures with many serpentine heads.

Kraken – no.

Leviathan – no.

Liches – a few dozen in the mortal plane; only damaged by magical or sacred weapons. Hundreds to thousands in Demi Plane.

Lizardfolk – none as species. Creatures and individuals that are lizard like and humanoidal exist as individuals and in small groups.

Lycanthropes – none.

Manticore – none as individual or species.

Medusa – none as individual or species with the ability to turn mortals to stone with a gaze. Creatures that are part snake and part humanoidal exist as individuals.

Merfolk – in Demi Plane only.  Tend not to interact with other sentient races if do not have to.

Minotaur – no as individual or species. Hybrids of mortals and animals exist, usually as product of experimentation.

Mummies – in both Demi and Mortal Planes. Can range from simply animated corpse to an undead, completely sentient being.

Nagas – body of snake up to waist the rest of the body is humanodial, six arms.  A few in the mortal world. None in Demi Plane. Only a sacred weapon or sacred power can cause harm. Not malicious.

Nightmares- mostly in the Demi Plane and can only be harmed by magical or sacred weapons.

Ogres – yes, find mostly in Demi Plane

Pegasi– yes, some small herds in Mortal Plane, many more in Demi Plane. One of a few species of creatures that can travel through all three planes of existence.

Pixies – yes, mostly in Demi Plane. In Mortal Plane can be found in elven and some dwarven lands.

Rocs – dozens to hundreds in Demi Plane, magical – can create sonic damage.

Sandworms – not per se. Snakes and worm-like creatures of various large sizes and various abilities.

Satyrs – mostly Demi Plane.

Sphinx – none. Again, will find hybrids of various kinds.

Spirits: Ghosts, Wights, Wraiths, etc –  double to triple the numbers in my realm compared to typical d & d realm.

Sprites – exclusively Demi plane, hang out with Ameya.

Succubus – as with demons this creature does not exist per se in my realm but may find like creatures that are considered fey.

Treants and plant monsters – various forms, mostly in Demi Plane.

Troglodytes – lots in Demi Plane. Tricksters, silly, stupid. Like to gamble.

Trolls – yes, lots in Demi Plane. Trolls, ogres, and giants seem to be in large numbers in the Demi Plane as mortals, typically humans, tend to make these creatures or creatures like them the main antagonists of stories.

Vampires – none.

Were creatures – none.

Witches/Hags – the term “witch” does not exist in my realm (nor does the term wizard anymore). “Hag” can cover a wide variety of entities. Equal numbers, about, in Demi and Mortal Planes.

Undead – second to spirits as far as most likely monster for mortals to encounter. Can range from just-animate to highly sentient and high-functioning.

Unicorns – One of the few creatures that can pass thru all three planes of existence. Unicorns number dozens in the Mortal Plane, thousands in the Demi Plane. 

Will-o-wisp – none.

Worgs – no.

Wyverns – mostly in Demi Plane.

Yeti – no.

Beings, Creatures, & Monsters Specific to My Realm:

Auroch – can be wild to domesticated; in all planes of existence.

Agani Eagle – large, tropical raptor that can dive and hit a human-sized target with the power of a fifteen pound weight moving at sixty-five miles an hour. Only found on a small chain of islands in the mortal world.

Emperor Electric Eels – in some cold, arctic rivers and bays (fresh and salt water).  More powerful than typical electric eels.  Powerful enough electric shock to render a man unconscious or even kill.

Mirror Monster/Spirit – something that lives on the other side.

Mountain Crow – mostly Demi Plane – some may have found their way into Mortal Plane. Their plumage takes on the hue of whatever the color of the main stone of their environment is. Are strong enough to lift a five pound weight. Smart enough to pick up stones, fly above prey, and bombard prey with stone in an attempt to knock the prey down the side of the mountain, then pick at the corpse. May work alone or in groups. Gives truth to the term “a murder of crows”.

Nightstalker, Man’s Bane, the Halfling’s Revenge

River Witch/River Fisher – exclusively in the Demi Plane. A translucent cephalopod that attaches itself to some heavy stone(s) or tree roots in or on the bank of a river, deep area. With one extremely long tentacle “fishes” for prey by looping the tentacle around say the ankle of unsuspecting victim, small barbs on the tentacle inject a paralyzing agent into the target, and then “reeling in”/retracting the tentacle with prey to the mouth of the cephalopod where the victim will be quickly engulfed and slowly digested and absorbed, even metal and glass will be broken down.

Swamp Devil – 30 to 60 pound mammal a kin to fischer/badger that jumps at prey in wetlands/marshes/swamps to drown them then eat the body.  Can hold breath for four to five minutes.  May attack as a mating pair or as individuals.  Usually loners. 

Terrors or terror monsters – general, catch-all term.  Monsters created from mortals’ fears and the magic of the universe.  Seep in from the Demi Plane.

Immortal beings of various kinds can be found in the Demi Plane, some traveling thru Mortal Plane. Not monsters or gods.  Some are mortals that somehow came to cheat death.  Some immortals from myth and legends.  this is not taking into account divine agents or divine assistants.  Immortality can be had on the Mortal Plane. 

Immortal Legendary Beings thus far:

Lady Isae



Saint Uckley, little girl and boy, old man and old woman

The Lady of the Moon and brother and sister

Red Rosey

Original 24 combatants of the battle of the Olive Grove

The old woman that could not sleep, Egrette


Man of Broken Dreams

Sir Perry and the Dragon

Solme the Proud

The Cat and the Turtle

Lady Nature

The Fool of Tralee, Adin

Ghost of World’s Greatest Swordsman in Tralee

The Sculptor that killed a god, Ihir’i of Umar