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Original God of Creation. Wants the Gray Waste to go back to being a hellish place.  Helped create the elves.  Appears as a matriarchal figure with wavy, silver hair; pale countenance; lean physique; flowing blouse with billowy sleeves and slacks to match; no shoes or boots, walks bare-footed. 

“We gave you this world, this paradise.  You have magic.  You have the opportunity and ability to do things no others can.  Do you not comprehend your situation and all the good that you have?  If you do not and you sin you should be punished sternly to better appreciate the error of your ways and so your kin will think well about all they have been given and stay on the goodly path.  Is it so hard to do good and refrain from evil?  With all the wonder and potential of this world what makes you turn to do selfish and uncaring things?  You have been given much and if you do not appreciate this there should be a stark price to pay.  It is so easy to stay on the goodly path and so much to marvel upon it.  Why stray then, even a little.”

Strict punishment for infractions.  Fear of pain is useful and pain can be a just reward for pain that is caused.  Those that have done wrong can be rewarded in life and death if protect and/or aid in creation.  Both the good acts and the bad acts stand.  Ae’na’s view is less severe than Sella’s and she is willing to let the Court of Appeals decide the balance of a soul.  Like Sella’s followers those that worship Ae’na tend to see a need for discipline and a certain amount of corporal punishment to ensure that society remains safe and stable, although to a somewhat lesser degree than the worshipers of Sella.  Ae’na’s followers (mostly, but not exclusively elves) could be described as stern but not usually repressive or extreme.

During the War of the Gods Ae’na was always allied with Sella as the two shared many of the same core views.  The centuries since the War have given her time to reflect and Ae’na’s thoughts about using harsh punishment on mortals to keep creation safe has softened.  In several more centuries, perhaps another thousand years, Ae’na will very likely have shed herself of the notion that the only way to keep mortals in line is with severity.     


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