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Enter into a 19th century music room of a well-to-do person. At an auburn-mahogany finished piano sits a one, Cristos Mineeo. A bit chubby, in his late 50’s. Short cropped black hair, pale skin with somewhat rosy cheeks. Clean shaven. A medium-blue waist coat and white trousers, white socks, and well-polished black shoes. No rings or adornments. He is wearing a fragile looking pair of spectacles and writing on some sheet music. He turns as Anne is announced.

M – “Well, Miss Pardino. So happy you could stop by. Please, have a seat.” And he gestures towards a chair. Anne sits down.

M – Could I offer you a drink?

A – No thank you.

M – “That will be all”, talking to the servant who bows and shuts the doors to the music room.

M – “It seems we have something in common, Miss Pardino,” as he puts the pen down, gets up, makes himself a drink, and sits down opposite Anne. As he’s making his drink

A – You didn’t invite me here to talk about music.

M – Sitting down, “No. Business.”

A – I think you got enough money from my family

M – You brother’s debt has been fully discharged. That matter is done. What I am interested in is a future business partnership that would be mutually beneficial.

A – Oh?

M – I’ve not just been watching your career, Ms. Pardino, I’ve been watching what your family has been doing since you started working at Fallon’s.

A – Really?

M – It’s not that big of a city and you and your brother and cousin made a name for yourselves relatively quickly with those sandwiches of yours. And that chili, and pizza.

A – People have to eat.

M – Yes they do. But you didn’t stop there, your cousin, Mathew didn’t stop there.

A – Matt’s been around.

M – I’m sure he has. And here is my offer: if Mathew, or you and or your brother have any more little gadgets or ideas no one has ever seen before, I can act as a distributor throughout the continent and overseas.

A – For a price

M – Of course. I would be the distribution partner, you and yours the manufacturers.

A – That’s it, that’s all you wanted me here for?

M – Yes. What did you think?

A – Your ‘messenger’ was a little cryptic.

M – He can be that way.

A- I can tell you that we don’t take on partners outside the family.

M – Nodding. “Well you might find you have to, at some point.”

A – Why would we have to? Is that a threat?

M – Taking a sip, “Your brother, my dear. Your brother. I know his type. It won’t be long before he gets himself into debt again, and I will probably be the one to own all that debt. We may end up being partners one way or another. Unless of course you wanted to sell off your remaining assets to pay his debts.”

A – I think we’re done here. And she gets up. Mineoo rises slowly and heads towards the doors.

M – “Well then, Miss Pardino, I wish you well. And consider my offer, as he opens the doors. The doors are open only while I need them to be open.” Anne nods curtly and leaves.