Maunch’s Precinct, 9:50 AM
As described by D.I. Greencrest: “About an hour after they had been sent for, the family’s chief barrister, a wizened halfling named Senford (leading the pack) Thomas’ sister, Anne, and cousin, Mathew have arrived. As well as a representative from the Academy as Mathew is Gifted.
Anne is stunning and all those in the precinct turn and stare as she walks in. Anne is wearing a shimmering, silvery, form-fitting, low-cut, shoulderless gown that has a slit on the left side up to her hip. The light glistens and dances off the gown. She is voluptuous, top heavy. Probably weighs around one-hundred sixty to one-hundred seventy pounds. With her high-heeled boots she stands nearly six foot tall. She has a cute face, and you can definitely see a resemblance to Thomas. Her dark hair is up in a bun of sorts. She is wearing a mink stole about her shoulders, and velvet gloves that go up to her elbows. She is adorned with platinum and diamond earrings, a platinum and diamond necklace. Possibly rings under the gloved hands. She does not walk, she struts to get as much use out of each footfall as possible, beguiling the men, and some of the women, in the precinct.
Following a few feet behind her is Mathew Serig. He appears to be the modest one of the family. He looks to be in his late thirties or early forties. Stands about five-feet eight-inches tall. Is lanky but with some meat across the neck shoulders and chest. Probably one-hundred forty to one hundred forty-five pounds. Has short cut, dirty blonde hair. Lovely, green eyes and pleasant visage. Not so handsome to make all the women swoon, but pleasant enough to make the women smile and be glad he’s around. He has a bit of morning stubble on his probably otherwise clean-shaven face. His clothing is relatively nondescript – dark grey trousers; simple, black, laced shoes, a bit dusty; a dark blue shirt with a collar, and buttons down the front; a dark grey, simple, but business-like jacket. He seems like ex-military. The top button of his shirt is opened and reveals some grey undershirt. He appears to be wearing two, thin-banned gold rings – one has a smooth, round white stone; the other a smooth, square turquoise and red stone. Presumably both are magical rings – the white stone ring is for protection, the other for health.”
Oogling Anne, DS Herris, “Gods’ damn.”
Greencrest, “Make sure to pick your jaw up off the floor before we go in.” In a large meeting room with the Cousins, their family’s barrister, and representative from the Academy, the two detectives resume their interrogation of Thomas Pardino.
DS Herris, “Mr. Pardino, earlier you said you must have blacked out. Does that usually happen when you drink?”
Senford (barrister), “That happens to lots of people when they drink, Detective.”
Herris, “But lots of people don’t black out and murder someone.”
Senford, “Hold onto that thought, Detective. It might be useful later.”
Greencrest, “Mr. Pardino, you said that you have been going to Odelia’s for a year or more. How often did you go?”
Thomas, getting a nod from Senford, “Use to be every other week or so. Then, for probably the past six, seven months, I’d go every week, couple, few times a week”
Greencrest, “Why the increase in visits?”
Thomas, not looking at his barrister, “To see Pene.”
Herris, “Were you in love with Pene, Mr. Pardino?”
Thomas, “Yeah.”
Greencrest, “For how long?”
Thomas, “I dunno. I guess I started feeling that way about six, seven months ago.”
Greencrest, “Did you tell anyone?”
Thomas, “No.”
Greencrest, “Mr. Serig, Miss Pardino, did you know about Thomas’ relationship with Pene?”
Anne, “I heard.” Serig nods, “We share security personnel and they informed us about the time Tom was spending with the young women. I didn’t know about the in-love part.” Anne shakes her head.
Greencrest, “And what did you think about Thomas’ relationship during that time?”
Anne, “That Tom was thinking with his pecker, like usual.” Serig grins.
Herris, “It would be unseemly for your family if Tom had married the prostitute, now wouldn’t it?”
Senford, “It would be unseemly if the person or person’s that killed said prostitute had also killed any of my clients or may still kill any of my clients.”
Herris, “Maybe one of your other clients killed the prostitute,” motioning towards Anne and Mathew.
Senford, “Are you charging Mr. Serig and/or Miss Pardino?”
Greencrest, “We would, at this time, appreciate their assistance with the investigation.
Such as telling us your whereabouts between ten o’clock last night and seven o’clock this morning? Miss Pardino first.”
Anne, “I’ve been at my club from eight last night to just before we left to get here this morning.”
Greencrest, “Can any one verify that?”
Anne “ My staff and a few patrons that were still in the club when we left this morning.”
Greencrest, “And you Mr. Serig?”
Mathew, “I was working in my office, over near Market Square, until about midnight. One of the night security guards checked in on me at around quarter to ten last night. Around midnight I notified the guards I was retiring before going upstairs to my personal quarters.”
Greencrest, “Can anyone verify where you were from midnight to seven o’clock this morning?”
Serig, “There’s a guard outside my chambers when I sleep.”
Greencrest, turning to Thomas, “Mr. Pardino, do you know of anyone that might want to hurt Pene? Any other clients that she might have had some bad relations with?”
Thomas,“No. If she did, she didn’t tell me.”
Herris, to the cousins, “When this goes public this will hurt all your businesses, won’t it?”
Anne, chuckling a bit, “Not Matt’s business – everybody’s gotta wipe their ass sometime.”
Mathew, “Bother the businesses.”
Herris, “You’re not bothered about the possible loss of the family’s reputation and wealth?”
Mathew, “I’m bothered that my cousin is being held on suspicion of murder. I’m bothered that you don’t seem interested in trying to find out who might have tried to kill him.”
Greencrest, “ What makes you think someone tried to kill your cousin?”
Mathew, “I don’t drink that much, but from what I’ve heard about getting drunk it doesn’t cause the skin under your fingernails to turn green.” Greencrest in her mind, ‘He’s an observant one, I’ll give him that.’
Senford chimes in, “And from what’s been described to us about the murder you have the body of a young woman that wasn’t brutally murdered but instead very neatly eviscerated. So tell us this detectives, how does a man, piss drunk, so drunk he blacks out, surgically remove the heart, lungs, and liver of a person without getting blood all over himself, all over the victim, all over the place in general?” Turning to Herris, “You can let go of that thought now, Detective.”
Greencrest, “That is what we are trying to ascertain, Counsel.”
Senford, “Well you better hurry, Inspector. Need I remind you, you can only hold my client seventy-two hours on Suspicion. After that you have to charge him or let him go.”
Greencrest, “No need to remind us, Counsel.” Speaking up for the first time, the representative from the Academy, “And just to remind you, Inspector, if your superiors feel an investigation of Mr. Serig is warranted, the Academy will handle that.”
Greencrest nods, “Of course.” The representative nods.